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Intentionally focus on building relationships that raise expectations and relevant rigor in teaching and learning that empowers students and faculty as effective learners, ethical people, and contributors to a better world. 

GHS graduation

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News and Events

Explore Lexington One




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Principal’s Corner

David Dixon

Welcome to Gilbert High School, where we pride ourselves on being a tight-knit family that loves our community, Friday night lights, and our famous Peach Festival. Our school, much like our community, is welcoming and inclusive, cherishing our small town roots and the generations who have contributed to the unique spirit that defines us as Gilbert America.

As part of Lexington District One, we are dedicated to the vision of guiding all students to learn, grow, and excel. At GHS, we embody this vision through our commitment to fostering a community spirit that supports, advocates for, and challenges each of our students. We live by the saying "It takes a village," ensuring that every student is known, supported, and encouraged to LEAD the “Gilbert Way”.

Our students are expected to Lead by example in all their endeavors, within and beyond the classroom. We challenge them to be Engaging with their community and future through investing in community service and staying present in their course work. The expectation is set for students to be Actionable in their daily routine by taking ownership of their actions and working to better themselves. Finally we encourage all students to be Driven in creating a better life for themselves through high grades and active participation in school. All areas of “LEAD the Gilbert Way” guide students in striving to reach their full potential.

We showcase our Indian pride in all that we do and we look forward to working with you to forge a successful path in lives of our students.